Electronic Systems and Communications
Our added value
The research we carry out covers the development of embedded systems for all types of industrial, transportation, energy, consumer electronics and biomedical applications. We work in wired or wireless communications with solutions that range from the design of intelligent electronic components and communication to the development of algorithms or the implementation of microprocessors.
Our research lines
High-performance processing platforms
Embedded systems for signal and video processing.
Microcontrollers and DSP.
Embedded Linux microprocessors (Zynq, ARM, etc).
Signal integrity for high speed signals.
Low power consumption.
Communications from the physical layer to the network layer
Highly integrated multi-standard transceiver design.
Design of Integrated and Discrete Analog Circuits (RF and Millimeter).
Wired and wireless connectivity.
Communication protocols (ad-hoc, Lora, ZigBee, Bluetooth, etc).
Smart ad-hoc components
Miniaturization for low-power, low-cost ad-hoc designs.
System integration.
PCB design.
Testing and advice on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Material reliability analysis (MTBF).
Wireless sensor networks
Design of wireless sensor networks.
Ad-hoc sensor nodes.
Gateway to the sensor network.
Energy Harvesting.
Positioning systems
Indoor positioning (IR-UWB, CSS).
Outdoor positioning (GNSS, DGNSS, SBAS, RTK).
Comprehensive positioning.
E3NETWORK: Energy Efficient E-band Transceiver for the Backhaul of Future Networks.
ProPART - Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports.
SIA - System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring.
WATEREYE: o&m tools integrating accurate structural health in offshore energy.
WILDCRAFT: WIreLess smart Distributed end system for airCRAFT.