
News & Events

Asset Publisher


08 | 05 | 2020

A new door system for the train platform of the future


29 | 04 | 2020

MIRAGED project: digital twins that will improve modeling, simulation and prediction systems for machine behavior and manufacturing processes


28 | 04 | 2020

Ceit, MASMOVIL Group and Matia Fundazioa launch a project to improve communication between seniors in residential care centers and their families


22 | 04 | 2020

Ceit, Airbus and Cetest collaborate on a test bench that will reproduce real aircraft flight conditions on the ground


20 | 04 | 2020

Osakidetza, BiomaGUNE, Tecnalia and Ceit collaborate on Coronavirus test sample handling


20 | 03 | 2020

Ceit installs its new atomizer in Miramón


16 | 03 | 2020

CAF, Ceit and Tecnun are working on a project that will reduce the cost of rail vehicle construction and delivery times by 20%


02 | 03 | 2020

Próxima estación: Madrid


26 | 02 | 2020

Ceit lidera un proyecto que mejora el ensamblaje interior de los aviones de Airbus


19 | 02 | 2020

AmBIENCe: energy efficiency for large buildings with support from control devices



